Vor allem Sammlern und Freunden der englischen CD-Firme Opera Rara ist dieser Name ein Begriff: Peter Moores. Er war einer der erfolgreichsten britischen Geschäftsleute der Nachkriegszeit und vor allem ein begeisterter Musikfan und Kunstmäzen, der viele, viele Projekte der Opera Rara finanzierte und möglich machte. Aber auch bei Chandos war er bei der Serie Opera in English hilfreich tätig. Mit ihm verliert Großbritannien und die Welt einen der ganz wichtigen, leidenschaftlich an der Kunst Interessierte, der mit seiner Peter Moores Foundation nicht nur die obigen Projekte unterstützte sondern auch zahlreichen jungen Künstlern den Start ermöglichte. Zudem kümmerte sich die Foundation auch und in erster Linie um HIV-Opfer. Nachstehend der Nachruf von Opera Rara, dem wir uns mit großem Bedauern über den Tod dieses großen Mannes anschließen. G. H.
Sir Peter Moores CBD DL 9 April 1932 – 23 March 2016. It was with great sadness that we heard the news of Sir Peter Moores’ passing. Opera Rara’s long and close association with Sir Peter goes back to the early 1970’s when we took our very first steps as a company drawing attention to lesser known 19th-century Italian operas. He remained a loyal and generous supporter for the subsequent 40 years, enabling us to bring to light operatic masterpieces and enlist the best possible operatic talent to help us bring these works back to life. Thanks to his unwavering support, Opera Rara has been able to create and build an invaluable catalogue, which includes more than 60 recordings. Sir Mark Elder, Artistic Director of Opera Rara, paid tribute: “He was undoubtedly one of the most significant musical philanthropists of our time. Throughout his long life, he showed unstinting generosity in support of several crucial musical visions. In particular, his long support of Opera Rara allowed the company to develop and flourish when without his annual investment, it would have disappeared. He showed great faith in Opera Rara’s vision and we will do all we can canadianpharmacy-toprx.com to ensure that his outstanding legacy is built upon for future generations to enjoy.” Opera Rara

Peter Moores/ Foto wie oben Opera Rara
Dazu auch ein Eintrag bei der britischen Wikipedia: Sir Peter Moores CBE DL (9 April 1932 – 23 March 2016) was a British businessman, art collector and philanthropist who was chairman of the Liverpool-based Littlewoods football pools and retailing business in the United Kingdom between 1977 and 1980..His father, Sir John Moores, was the founder of the Littlewoods company, though the family no longer owns it. In the Sunday Times Rich List 2006 the Moores‘ family wealth was estimated at £1,160m. Peter Moores was educated at Eton College and Christ Church, Oxford. His elder sister Lady Grantchester (née Betty Moores), is the widow of Kenneth Bent Suenson-Taylor, 2nd Baron Grantchester (1921–1995). At the age of 32 in 1964, Moores set up the charity Peter Moores Foundation supporting music and the visual arts, but also education, health, social and environmental projects. The Foundation continued in existence until 5 April 2014, when viagra cialis or levitra its funds were exhausted. During its fifty years, it donated over ₤231 million to the causes it supported. The Peter Moores biennial contemporary art exhibitions were held at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool from 1971 to 1986. In 1994 the foundation enabled a permanent Transatlantic Slave Trade Gallery at the Liverpool Merseyside Maritime Museum. The Foundation began a variety of charitable support initiatives in Barbados in 1973 – these activities became a separately constituted organization in 2011. In 1993 the Foundation bought Compton Verney House in Warwickshire, which was then categorized as a building ‚at risk‘, and transferred the ownership to a Trust supported by the Foundation. In March 2004 the Compton Verney Gallery at the House was opened by Prince Charles. The Gallery has a permanent collection, and varied art collections and temporary exhibitions are also presented. From 1970 to 2010 the Foundation supported the Opera Rara classical music label. It awarded scholarships to young British singers, including Amanda Roocroft and Simon Keenlyside. It has also supported the Opera in English project. The Foundation provided funding for farmacia online cialis health projects in the UK and overseas, particularly in the field of HIV/Aids. It also supported a range of youth and education projects. To mark its final phase the Foundation’s Swansong Project made donations to enable eight new productions in 2014/5 by British opera companies, including the British premiere of George Benjamin’s Written on Skin at the Royal Opera House, Terry Gilliam’s production of Berlioz’s Benvenuto Cellini, and three production of operas by cialis once a day not working Donizetti at the Welsh National Opera.